Teen Friendship help , advice, tips. How to make friends

24 Oct 2011

Hi, to all of you :) In this post i'll write some usefull tips for all of you, as friendship is so important nowadays...Each teen find him\herself in one of his\her friend's character. And that's normal i think...each of us need someone to rely one, someone who we an adress and wait for help (a blog is a friend too haha:D) ...See here some rules and tips, for yourself and generally speaking, to help and guide you...

1. Be Yourself

A lot of teens struggle not to lose their identity once they become part of a group of friends. Though who you are is always changing, especially during  the teenage years, some aspects of your personality will stay pretty much the same. Figure out what those things are and think hard about who you want to be, then present yourself honestly and genuinely to the people you hang around with.
 However, you will always feel you've been true to yourself -- and that you haven't become somebody else's clone. ;)

2. Avoid Gossip

Friends don't spread rumors about other friends, remember this, even though its kinda difficult for us, girls :\ -- even within their own group. If you've heard something shocking about someone you're friends with, find a considerate way of asking them about it personally, because if you don't know your friend well, he\she can spoil you to another "friend"...:S
If you're not sure how to talk to them about it, seek the advice of one other trusted friend, but don't let the discussion turn into a free-for-all about everything you don't like about the person. You certainly wouldn't be happy if someone did that to you, so set a good example for others -- and for yourself.

3. Protect Your Friends

When a friend of yours is making not-so-great decisions -- whether it's about drugs, alcohol, studying or dating -- do your best to look out for them. This doesn't mean telling them what to do constantly, but you can offer gentle advice and guidance from time to time.
If you give advice in a caring way that shows you value your friend and respect their feelings and wishes, they're much more likely to pay attention. Chances are, what you think means a lot to them, and you can be a good influence.

5. Be Careful About Boyfriends and Girlfriends

It's a good rule of thumb to stray away from dating the exes of your friends. It's an even better rule of thumb to avoid dating the people your friends have crushes on -- or people who have turned down your friends for dates. Even if your friend gives you the go-ahead, wait a while to get involved with someone who broke their heart or betrayed their confidence, because a guy can come and go, but a friend is hard to achieve..agree?:)

Some tips on how to make friends:
 First. always remember, that friendship is not about the  quantity, but about the quality. Don't think that you're a looser if you dont have many friends...why would you need them all?! Personally, i have 2 , the closest friends, and i'm proud of this...Looking at this formed groups, i'm kinda dissapointed, because most of girls are just fake and unreal...They all are friends just because of hanging out, partying...I'm not a such person:)
Show up. Whenever you have the chance to see other people, take it. Go to the party. Stop by someone’s desk. Make the effort. 
Join a group. Being part of a natural group, where you have common interests and are brought together automatically, is the easiest way to make friends:(but who knows if real one) starting a new job, taking a class,  joining a school organisation, or moving to a new neighborhood are great opportunities to join a group. If those situations aren’t an option, make yourself a group, or just hang out and find yourself in some closest friends...its your choice.
 Say nice things about other people. If you tell Jean that Pat is arrogant, unconsciously Jean associates that quality with you. On the other hand, if you say that Pat is hilarious, you’ll be linked to that quality.:| So, if you want to make an impression, than from the first moments or communication say smth good about that person...After that, its your turn to discover if you like\ dont like him\her and to continue or do speaking with him\her...:)
Make friends with friends-of-friends. “Triadic closure” is the term for the fact that people tend to befriend the friends of their friends. So friends-of-friends is an excellent place to start if you’re trying to expand your circle.:)