Ok, girls, i'v found some new tips for you. Hope you will use them. Take your time ro read them, some can be really helpful.
*Don't straighten and curl your hair with a straightener or curling iron all the time. If you do, your hair will get brittle and dull. It's not good for your hair. If you like straight or curly hair, only do it when you go out or switch out with other styles that require no heat.
*If you get greasy hair quite quickly DONT aplly conditionor to the scalp it makes matters worse only aply to the bottom half.
*Anti dandruff shampoo.
Dont use head and shoulders it makes things worce. Use any other shampoo what says antie dandruff and only use it once a week to prevent it from getting worse.
*Also, when you keep your hair in a ponytail like every day the curl or waves will straighten & not come back.
*if you have scars put lotion on it then add nail polish remover on top of the lotion do that for a week and the scar should begone. If you have sensitive skin do not do that it will cause a allergic reaction.
* Staying in the swimming pools for long hours might damage your hair because of the chlore in it,but in the same time can be a solution to pimples,as it reduces them and makes them smaller .
*Always apply lip-balm before applying lip-gloss, this is better for your lips.
*If you want soft lips you can also apply honey, this is a healthy ingredient.
*Use exfoliater once or twice a week like monday and friday leave a few days imatween no more other wise you will over exstimalate the pourse under neath the skin letting all the extra oils out and courseing a brake out of spots.
*If you have moles or freckles you have sentive skin so be carful on what you put on. test products on hands than one small area where its sensitive on the face befoure aplying on the whole face. Trust me you done want the whole face to come out in an allergic reaction. If that happens take an anti histamine to get rid of the
itch and take a bath or shower to wash of as much as you can before too much sokes into the skin.
Make-up Remover : a great way to take off make-up is with olive oil! Just dab a little on a tissue and swipe across your face!
Wishing you all the best <3 Write me what more informations are you interested about:)
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