Advice, help and solution for each day of your life.You can check the archive for more tips, and email me, if you need help on any troubles;)
A Cinderella story marathon
30 Sept 2011
Posted by Nikolle at 07:39 0 comments
Some funny pictures :D
Hey. Wanna light up your mood :D I just found some funnyyy pictures, they will make you smile, i guess:D Check them out :))
How i danced when i was little.
Mwahahaha, that moment when your parents think you're asleep,
but you're still on computer.
<Sitting. In school.
>>>When you're home alone.
Waiting for your friend to get inside the classroom.
That moment when you're in a restaurant and you see your food coming.
That moment when you got a great mark at school:)
When i'm eating.
Well guys, i hope you liked them. For tomorrow ;)
Posted by Nikolle at 06:38 0 comments
Depressions+ The symptoms
Do you have days when you feel that everything is out of control? When you feel burned out, crabby, pressured, wired and panicky? When others comment that you are edgy, restless, wound up and moody? Depression usually affects us emotionally and physically. Women especially tend to get physical symptoms when they are depressed. I am not amazed of this :| In a recent study, over 60% of teenage girls complained of feeling stressed. Three out of four agree that school is the No. 1 stressor. The list of culprits includes lack of sleep, parental expectations, self-esteem issues, sibling strife, boyfriends and dating, looking good enough, and the old standby, peer pressure.
- Look at this symptoms, so you'll know if you are in depression, or no.
- Feel depressed all the time
- Lose interest in things you used to like
- Have a big change in your appetite
- Sleep a lot or not much at all
- Feel anxious or high energy all the time, or the opposite (have really low energy almost everyday)
- Feel tired and have no energy
- Feel bad about yourself (low self-worth/low self-esteem)
- Feel confused; have trouble making decisions
- Think about death or suicide
If you have any of this symptoms, than this is kinda bad. You need help, because mostly for this teen-years this problem has to be solved.
My advice for you is that no one can save you, just yourself. You need to get out of this, because this is your life.
Deal with it, try to see the positive sides of each thing. Eat more fruits and vegetables, listen to some inspiring music, get some vitamins, think more, walk more, read some interesting book in the park, DONT stay home, go at some parties, MAKE some. Polish your nails with yellow or pink, some funny colors :) Create your own style and make some bracelets etc...:) Do your best and all will be ok. Speak to somebody, let them now your issues & They will have you, mostly your parents. Dont forget that some friends dont really care.
<3 I believe in you.
Posted by Nikolle at 05:24 0 comments
Body Image- Feel proud about yourself
28 Sept 2011
Posted by Nikolle at 10:14 0 comments
Beauty tips for girls.
26 Sept 2011
Ok, girls, i'v found some new tips for you. Hope you will use them. Take your time ro read them, some can be really helpful.
*Don't straighten and curl your hair with a straightener or curling iron all the time. If you do, your hair will get brittle and dull. It's not good for your hair. If you like straight or curly hair, only do it when you go out or switch out with other styles that require no heat.
*If you get greasy hair quite quickly DONT aplly conditionor to the scalp it makes matters worse only aply to the bottom half.
*Anti dandruff shampoo.
Dont use head and shoulders it makes things worce. Use any other shampoo what says antie dandruff and only use it once a week to prevent it from getting worse.
*if you have scars put lotion on it then add nail polish remover on top of the lotion do that for a week and the scar should begone. If you have sensitive skin do not do that it will cause a allergic reaction.
* Staying in the swimming pools for long hours might damage your hair because of the chlore in it,but in the same time can be a solution to pimples,as it reduces them and makes them smaller .
*Always apply lip-balm before applying lip-gloss, this is better for your lips.
*If you want soft lips you can also apply honey, this is a healthy ingredient.
*Use exfoliater once or twice a week like monday and friday leave a few days imatween no more other wise you will over exstimalate the pourse under neath the skin letting all the extra oils out and courseing a brake out of spots.
*If you have moles or freckles you have sentive skin so be carful on what you put on. test products on hands than one small area where its sensitive on the face befoure aplying on the whole face. Trust me you done want the whole face to come out in an allergic reaction. If that happens take an anti histamine to get rid of the
itch and take a bath or shower to wash of as much as you can before too much sokes into the skin.
Make-up Remover : a great way to take off make-up is with olive oil! Just dab a little on a tissue and swipe across your face!
Wishing you all the best <3 Write me what more informations are you interested about:)
Posted by Nikolle at 10:22 0 comments
Soo sorry for no-posting here...+...psychological tests
25 Sept 2011
I'm really sorry for leaving the blog:( now i realized i have to continue it :) I'll be back with new articles, hope to check out some new templates..:)
I wanted to show this site of general-psychological tests, i love it really a loot. You can check right now and make some online tests that'll help you to find out who you really are. Its having fun and knowing yourself better. See you later, xoxo :)
Posted by Nikolle at 08:40 0 comments