Hi to all:) I hope your summer plans are going all...i just bought a new magazine, and found a good article, that i want to translate. Its real that from the time when we were little we wanted to have some best friends that will help us in each situation, that we be around us, guide and listen to our stories and life problems. Unfortunately, this isn't lasting, as the life gives us other opportunities, possibilities, and we wont be able every-time to be near our BFF. I will show you some friends' situations, and some remedies..:)
Advice, help and solution for each day of your life.You can check the archive for more tips, and email me, if you need help on any troubles;)
On the way to loose your BFF?Read this,you`ll find some help:)
8 Jul 2011
Posted by Nikolle at 03:17 0 comments
Hey:) Some inspiring quotes..
Hey guys:) Hope you are fine<3 I wanna post some quotes that inspire me a lot. *Think you will like them:)*
Friendship isn't about whom you`v known the longest, its about who came, and never left your side.
Never think you`re not good for someone, first, ask yourself is he`s good for you.
Learn to trust your heart.Believe in your dreams.
Crying isn't showing your weaknesses. Its showing that you`v been strong for too long time.
No one can change a person, but someone can be person`s reason to change.
Stand UP for what you believe, even if it means to standing alone.
Break the rules. Forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably. Never regret anything that made you smile.;)
The best moments of our life are unseen: that why we cry when we sleep,deep and kiss.
Those people who have left, left us a lesson. So be grateful to them for making you a better person.
Also, i love a lot this pictures:
Posted by Nikolle at 10:33 1 comments
Some tips for you to feel OK and un-stresses all day long:)
Do some sports.Physical activity is one of the most important ways to keep stress away by clearing your head and lifting your spirits. Physical activity also increases endorphin levels — the natural "feel-good" chemicals in the body which leave you with a naturally happy feeling :D
It's important to get up, get out and get moving!
Fuel up.Start your day off with a full tank — eating breakfast will give you the energy you need to tackle the day. Eating regular meals (this means no skipping dinner) and taking time to enjoy them will make you feel better too.Make sure to fuel up with fruits, vegetables, proteins (peanut butter, a chicken sandwich or a tuna salad) and grains (wheat bread, pasta or some crackers) — these will give you the power you need to make it through those hectic days.After school activities, grab a banana, some string cheese or a granola bar for some power-packed energy!
Everyone has those days when they do something really silly or stupid — instead of getting upset with yourself, laugh out loud! No one's perfect! Life should be about having fun. So, lighten up!
Have fun with friends.Being with people you like is always a good way to ditch your stress. Get a group together to go to the movies, shoot some hoops, or play a board game — or just hang out and talk. Friends can help you work through your problems and let you see the brighter side of things.
Spill to someone you trust.
Take time to relaaaaaax.Pick a comfy spot to sit and read, daydream, or even take a snooze. Listen to your favorite music. Work on a relaxing project like putting together a puzzle or making jewelry. Finding time to relax after (and sometimes during) a hectic day or week can make all the difference.
Catch some sleep...Fatigue is a best friend to stress. When you don't get enough sleep, it's hard to deal — you may feel tired, cranky, or you may have trouble thinking clearly. Sleep is a big deal! Getting the right amount of sleep is especially important for kids your age. Because your body (and mind) is changing and developing, it requires more sleep to re-charge for the next day. So don't resist, hit the hay!
Posted by Nikolle at 07:55 0 comments
You MUST feel pretty:)
5 Jul 2011
Simple rules, that a girl has to follow.Mostly you..
Understand the value of inner beauty. There are "pretty" people in this world, but beauty is common. After talking to a few of them, you can begin to think that they aren't so pretty. A bad attitude towards others can make you seem really ugly inside, and make people stop paying attention to who you are on the outside.
Remember believing in yourself is a very important thing. If you think you look good ... everyone else will think so too! Have confidence!
Take care of your hair. Get it trimmed regularly (search on-line colors and styles that best fit your face shape and hair type)
.* Always brush it, but not too much. Try straightening it to the side, or curling it wavy
Stand up straight. (look at that kit, she`s a sweet!!!)Let others know that you respect yourself, and they will follow your lead. Plus, it has the visual effect of smoothing out any bulges that aren't particularly flattering. Posture is important and can make you look more attractive. Good posture today leads to a better figure tomorrow. Standing or sitting slumped burns fewer calories then sitting or standing up straight. Good posture is the number one way to look more confident and pretty.
Respect yourself, respect others and you will feel and look great.
Feel good about yourself. When you feel bad, you look bad.
* People are attracted to and feel comfortable with people who respect themselves. Liking yourself and respecting yourself doesn't mean you are conceited, it just shows others that you are happy about your appearance.
* A fun, light personality makes everyone comfortable and makes you more approachable.
Get enough sleep. This will help you to always look your best. Regular sleeping patterns help your body to effectively regenerate and feel great the next day! Avoid sleeping on your face, this will cause wrinkles.
Remove unwanted body hair. Wax, shave, or pluck body hair such as armpit hair, leg hair, eyebrow hair and other areas,but if you are still amedium-little girl, it not obligatory.
Be yourself! The people you want to admire you will be able to see past a bad facade.
Remember, inner beauty is most important! No matter what, physical beauty will eventually fade.
Drink PLENTY of water! Eat nutritious foods such as fish, fruit, veggies, and whole-grains. Your skin will glow.
If you have acne-prone skin, do a tea tree oil steam facial. The steam will open up your pores and the tea tree oil will help your acne disappear.
Keep your nails looking nice. When you put your lotion on, don't forget your fingers! Lather some around the nail where your fingers are prone toget hangnails. Get your nails done at least twice a month. Try not to use fake nails too often-- the glue and plastic keep your nails from breathing, causing them to become weak and unhealthy. If you cannot afford constant trips to the salon, do your nails at home. French manicures are not as hard to do as they seem. Keep your cuticles (the half-moon border of the finger to the nail) clean and clear by gently pushing back the cuticle with the cardboard shaft of a cotton swab or other such object. Don’t forget about your toes!
And don't forget, you ARE beautiful<3
Ow, sorry guys, this was a kittens' theme :D Dont you agree that they are soo sweet?:) Me agrees:D
Hope you enjoyed the advice:)
Posted by Nikolle at 10:40 0 comments